1. The Cemetery/Coffin and Maggots and Worms, Oh My!
2. Here We Go Again (Opening Titles)
3. He Only Takes Visa
4. The Caretaker
5. The Survivalists
6. Marty, Kathleen, Steve, Annette, and Who Else?
7. Let's Play "Camp Blood'
8. He Was Everywhere, Like Tv
9. Cort and Nikki Check Wire
10. Megan Balances Business and Pleasure
11. Sissy
12. Real Tv Nightmare
13. Paula Feels the Tension
14. You Drive, Hot Lips
15. The Gang's All Here
16. I Wanna Hold Your Hand/Jason Takes a Dip
17. Jason Out
18. Untitled (Unused Cue)
19. The Rescue/Finale
180 gramman audiofiilinen vinyyli 2 LP
Vinyylin väri: Vihreä, keltainen, mustia roiskeita
Julkaisuvuosi: 2023
Levy-yhtiö: Waxwork